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Life With Ghosts - LET'S CHAT! #017 | Emma Jane | "My Dead Fiancé Came Back To Me!"

Stephen Berkley

Stephen Berkley interviews Life With Ghosts Community member Emma Jane, who was unable to leave her bedroom after her Fiancé was killed last year. But things turned around for her once she started receiving messages from him.

Don't miss this delightful conversation about love, loss, and being with the person you're supposed to be with, regardless of their current form.

Note: Because Emma Jane's fiancé's death is the subject of a criminal investigation, she needs to be anonymous right now, and has therefore asked that we censor parts of her interview and also de-focus her image.


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Life With Ghosts - LET'S CHAT! #017 | Emma Jane | "My Dead Fiancé Came Back To Me!"

Welcome to the show that seeks to better understand how to best communicate with our departed loved ones. Our guest is Emma Jane.


We’re talking with Emma Jane, a writer in Australia. Emma Jane is in the interview not because she’s a famous medium or a clinician helping clients heal their grief with after-death contact. She’s here because she has a story to tell. In 2023, Emma Jane experienced something that changed her forever, and I want to talk to Emma Jane about that.

Emma Jane saw the film, Life with Ghosts. She decided to reach out to me through the Life with Ghosts community to thank me for making the film and to tell me that both the film and the show are helping her feel less alone with what she’s experienced and what she’s doing about that experience. This is why I made the film, everybody. People in my mother’s community were continuing their bonds with their late spouses. I thought that was beautiful and that those people should be supported.

Emma Jane is the living embodiment of what I was hoping making the film would do, people coming out of the closet to some extent and saying, “This is happening to me too. I’m glad there’s now a community.” I don’t think ours is the only one, but people are finding me and saying, “This is the only one I found,” so it has been great. That has been very rewarding for me.


Emma Jane, welcome to the show.

Thank you so much for having me. It’s a privilege. Thank you.

You’re welcome. First of all, you wrote me a beautiful note through Facebook that really touched me. It inspired me to reach out to you and say, “Let’s have a conversation.” When we had that conversation, you let me know some really interesting things. I want to talk about them with you if that’s okay. Tell me what happened in 2023 that changed you. 

Complex Grief

2023 has changed me as a person, my present, and my future. It turned everything upside down. I was in love with somebody. I finally found my person. That’s something that’s quite rare in this modern age. I gave up on love a little bit and I finally found my person. We were making plans. We were having a wonderful summer romance here in Australia.

One day, he walked out the door and never came home. He was tragically taken away from me. He was killed. What that brought upon me was a year of complex grief, something I had never heard of. I had had friends pass away in the past as well as family members. This was a completely different experience for me. I didn’t even know if I’d make it through. It was terribly dark. It was terribly frightening. I went to the doctor and they said that it is a diagnosis of complex grief. For one whole year, I was not myself anymore, but then I found a way to heal myself.

Let’s talk a little bit about complex grief because I don’t think that many people know what that is. I know there are some books out for complicated grief. It might be called complex grief where you are in the world. Tell me what that means or at least how it affected you.

With grief, when somebody passes away, and it could be a little bit more expected if someone has been unwell for quite some time or it was in the most tragic circumstances like what had occurred in my case, there are stages of grief that you work through with your friends and family and in some time, you can become the healthiest version of yourself again.

However, with complex grief, it’s a little bit harder because you experience trauma to a level that maybe regular grief doesn’t go to. Complex grief can involve PTSD and trauma. For quite some time, you’re in that denial stage of grief as well as being in a state of shock. I was in shock for seven months at least. I could not accept that it had happened.

It was in the media quite often because of the nature of the death. I would wake up one day and start to feel okay and I would see it in the news, see it on a bus or a car, or there would be a campaign for him. It seemed like it never ended, so then I would spiral back into that traumatized, PTSD state and it would begin all over again. Complex grief really affects the brain in a completely different way. It’s hard to heal from. In fact, I don’t believe I’ll ever heal from it but I’m learning to live with it. That’s for sure.

Dead Fiancé: I'll never heal from complex grief, but I'm learning to live with it.

I have a couple of questions. The first one is, was there any kind of therapy or anything you did that has helped?

I’ve got to be honest. Nothing has helped so far except for perhaps the story we may go into. I was obligated to see a therapist that the police provided to me before I could return to work because I had to spend quite some time with the police at the time. That was part of that experience before I could go to work, but it did not help me at all. If anything, when I do see a doctor or go and seek therapy like everyone tells me to, it makes it harder for me because they all say the same thing. It’s something that no one else can understand. It’s in your heart, so it’s something you have to try and unravel yourself.

First, I’m so sorry. It sounds like you’ve been through hell. That’s what it sounds like.

It wasn’t the greatest year of my life. I’ll look back on it unfondly.

Only because you mentioned the police, people are probably wondering, “Why? What’s happening?” For reasons you mentioned, before this interview began, there are legal reasons why we can’t go into details about why it’s in the media and why the police are interested in this accident. We’re going to wait for a later show to talk about that if it’s possible at that time.

Thank you.

You said it was seven months. Is that how long it’s been? Seven months since he died?

He’s been gone for a year and a half.

You mentioned seven months. What happened after seven months?

I got out of bed. It took about seven months for me to see the light of day properly again or be able to go grocery shopping. I couldn’t even go grocery shopping. That’s how shocked I was. I was afraid someone would ask me about it or I’d bump into somebody that would bring it up. I took a lot of time off work and isolated myself for a while.

Do you have any family around you?

Absolutely. My family was amazing. I lived with them for some time. Life goes on. It didn’t occur to them, so they went on with their lives. I feel like sometimes, there’s a bit of a time limit put on you as well. I felt like the support ended around seven months as well. It was like, “You’re on your own now,” whereas for me, it only started. 

What’s amazing about you, and this is an enviable quality, is you’re suffering but you can’t help but exude joy. You’re one of those people. You’re probably a joyful person to be alive.

I really was. That was also one of the horrible things. I do miss the person I used to be as well. Thank you so much for that. 

Your homeostasis is joyful is what I’m saying.

Thank you.

It’s a pleasure to be with people like that. It’s good to see or good to feel that that’s still there more than most people that I’m around and despite the tragedy. There’s a reason though you reached out to me. Why did you reach out to me after seven months and some change? What happened? 

After Death Communication

I was recommended the movie that you created. I had some experiences that were so beautiful, so wonderful, and so magical and I really wanted to tell somebody about them. I still haven’t shared this information with my friends and family. However, I found a medium and wrote her a letter. I explained the experiences that I was having and she recommended your movie. She said, “I’m booked out for four years. I can’t do a reading with you, but here’s a movie that will help you.” She recommended your film. I watched it and it changed my world. I felt so much lighter and happier. I honed in and embraced the gift that I feel I had developed because of your movie.

That really makes me feel great.

It’s an amazing film.

Thank you.

I wrote to you because there are so many films out there on the topic but I loved your perspective.

I really appreciate that. Thank you. That said, we had to turn the interview back on you. I could talk about the film all throughout this interview, but this is about you. Your boyfriend’s name is blank. Is that right?


Tell me a little bit about why you reached out again. What did you say in your note to me?

He was my best friend, so when I lost him, I also lost my best mate. We all do when we lose our partner or our spouse. They’re our best mates. I felt so alone because he was the one I would normally turn to. He came through with what I’ve researched and discovered is called ADCs or After-Death Communication. It was loud and clear. It wasn’t a dream here and there, and those experiences are amazing too. Some of the messages that I was experiencing were in broad daylight or the middle of the day and something I couldn’t deny.

I have heard of grief hallucinations. I was told by the doctor that that’s what it was when I did mention in the beginning what was occurring to me. I learned pretty quickly you don’t talk about it because people think you’re crazy, so I had to keep all of that to myself. I began automated writing. Although his messages and signs were physical, I believe I’ve seen things that were so paranormal. It’s insane.

He came through to me with automated writing. I would ask him questions and the answers would come through. They were things that I had never thought of or heard of in my own mind before. I then found this so fascinating and so strong that I began to practice it with other people. The accuracy was great. It was something that I really wanted to develop, which is one of the themes in your movie. It’s all about automated writing.

We call it automatic writing, or at least I do call it automatic writing. I know what you mean by automated writing. How did that come about? You didn’t pick up a pen one day and start writing. You must have had to have felt something or been told something.

My passion is writing. I’ve been writing stories since I was a little girl. I’ve written books on my laptop. I even did a journalism degree in my younger years and worked for a newspaper when we still had newspapers. Writing was the one thing that I would turn to. I started writing in a journal. I stopped writing when I lost him. I never picked up a pen again and never opened my laptop again. When my heart was aching, I was like, “You need to write like you haven’t written a word in eight months.” I opened my laptop and started writing. That’s when it started.

You were writing in your journal. When did it become automated writing? Did somebody say, “I’m going to start writing through you.” What happened exactly?

That’s exactly what happened, but I was not writing a journal to myself. I was writing to him, which is something I’ve never done before. I always write journalistically or in a story-writing approach. With this, it was more of a grief journal. It was writing to him. I would tell him how horrible the day was and the memories. I was explaining everything to him and trying to untangle it in my own mind. That is when my handwriting would change a little bit. It would almost be quite scribbly because I was writing with a pen. It would be something that I hadn’t thought of or something that I hadn’t even asked.

It was the handwriting that was, for me, how it changed so much. It doesn’t even look like my handwriting. It threw me a little bit. I thought, “How cool is this?” I then started to ask questions. When I believe spirit is coming through to me, my handwriting changes. I find that quite incredible and quite amazing. I keep all that because I love going back, reading it, and seeing the different handwriting. It’s so amazing. 

I really love that you’re talking about your handwriting changing because that’s exactly what happened to Ethel from the film. She’s channeling her husband. She doesn’t realize she’s channeling her husband but then she starts realizing it. She’s looking at her handwriting and she’s feeling the power in her arm that’s not hers. Do you have that power also?

Yeah. When I read the handwriting that’s not mine, I got completely covered with goosebumps because that is exactly what it is. When you read the handwriting that doesn’t belong to you, it feels different. It’s not you. When you read your own writing, it is like, “I wrote that.” It’s like I’d passed the book or the page to someone else and they had written that part. I don’t know if you ever played this childhood game in America. In Australia, we used to play this game where you would write a sentence, you would pass it to someone else, and they would write a sentence. It was a fun game that I would play with my friends. You’d create a story. That’s exactly how it feels when I do this.

That’s cool. This is what made me so excited to find Ethel. You are really the same in that way. Whenever I went to visit my mother, I would interview Ethel and find out more about what she was doing and how she was doing it. Eventually, it was filming her. What you’re doing like what Ethel was doing is a fascinating thing and such a romantic thing. I am all for it.

It made me want to learn more about how you were doing it. It made me want to share you and the likes of you with my community. What can you share with us? What can you tell us about your process that would help other people who are reading feel like maybe they should try it or see if they can manage to get something going?

Healing Through Helping

I don’t know where to start, but I’ll tell you something. It’s that I believe it’s healed me because I know that he’s okay. That was the first thing. I’ve always been spiritual my entire life, but when I lost him, all of those beliefs and all of those hopes disappeared. I no longer believed in the spiritual realm. I didn’t believe in anything I’d grown up believing. He reignited that for me. He made sure that I knew that he was safe and okay.

He chose that way of dying as we all do. We all choose how we’re going to die. He even came through and said, “Did you really think I was going to die from a heart attack? How boring.” That was the first thing that occurred. It made me re-believe in everything I always had, if that’s even a word. It made me believe again. It made me know he’s safe.

Then, something else incredible happened. He or someone said, “You need to help others.” I found an online community. Instead of wallowing in my own grief, which is exactly what I was doing because I was so depressed, I thought, “You’re not the only one. There are so many people worldwide feeling exactly the same way as you.” I felt like I was the only one. I felt like I was in this dome of grief and that no one else felt this much grief as I was feeling, but they were.

You're not the only one. There are so many people worldwide feeling exactly the same way as you.

This online community is for practicing mediums. The sitter provides a photo and the reader will provide a reading free of charge. It’s for practice. I started doing that. I would do the automated writing on my laptop and I would send that to the sitter. I would have people message me in tears. I even had audio messages come through from America saying, “Thank you.”

Hearing those words, as you would know how that feels because you did it with your own film, is healing me but it’s also helping others. Even if it’s inaccurate or even if I’m off the mark, it’s helping them believe again. It’s helping them realize their loved one hasn’t disappeared and that they are still here and they’re safe.” I feel like even though I don’t talk to these people on a daily basis, I feel like they’re my friends. It has changed my life, the whole process. It’s been amazing.

How many people have you done this for?

Proper readings? Only twenty. Lots of little ones when I’m practicing. Lots of little paragraphs here and there and I’ll send it there. I’ve only started doing this for others since January 2024, so not very long at all. 

You’re not charging for this service, is that correct?

Absolutely not because I am inaccurate sometimes. I will get something wrong or I may have connected with a different loved one rather than the one they want to talk to. I would never charge for a service that I can’t provide quality.

Since I get a lot of interest in me and the show because of the subject matter and because people are looking to have validation perhaps or they’re looking to talk about what they do, I get a lot of correspondence from people. I chose to respond to you because I sensed there was something about you that needed to be shared. I didn’t know the details of what you were talking about but it sounded familiar to me.

I’m glad I found you and I’m glad I could share you, but because I don’t know you, even though I felt inspired by you, I didn’t know your abilities. I didn’t really want to bring you on the show. I didn’t audition you. If the guest is not somebody who’s already a well-established medium or a well-established clinician doing this kind of work with their clients, then I feel a need to get a sample. You told me to send you a picture. In my case, it was two pictures because I couldn’t decide which one to give you.

I’m so glad you sent the two though because they were two completely different energies. I would’ve been very disappointed if it was only the one. One made it very hard for me. 

Reading With Stephen

You invited me to do that. The reason why we’re talking is because you did something for me in your reading that I had not had before. What that was was you provided me with veridical evidence. Have you heard of that term before?

No, I haven’t.

You’re not going to find it in a dictionary. Veridical evidence is a relatively new word in our lexicon. It means material or messages that come through the deceased either through a medium or through a dream. These are messages purportedly through the deceased that are later verified by an independent third party, either a record or a person who has no interest in this. You gave that to me in your reading, which I had not had before. That’s pretty cool. I’ll tell you exactly what the veridical evidence was.

For your community, so everyone knows, I have not had any feedback from Steve yet, so I have no idea that that was the case. It makes me feel so grateful that I had that opportunity. I have no idea what the feedback is.

That’s all by design. I really wanted to have that spontaneous reaction. You call them stories. You free associate write. It’s almost like you’re writing a fiction piece. You were perceiving what was coming through was an older, wiser man. You ascertained that it was my dad. That’s how it felt. You said, “He’s giving me advice.” That’s really weird. That’s my father. My father does that. My father gives everybody advice. He advises everybody.

That’s not the veridical part. The veridical part was he said something about you being maybe a lovely young lady or something like that. You said something like, “I’m almost 40,” or, “I am 40.” My father apparently said, “40 was the best year of my life. I became a dad at 40.” You wrote, “40? No. This must be a grandfather if you had your 1st son at 40.” I don’t know where you’re from, but here, having a child at 40 is not that old. You were incredulous that he had a child of 40. He said, “My son!”

The guy in the picture was insisting that he became a father at 40 for the 1st time even though you didn’t really believe it. It so happens my dad became a dad at 40 for the 1st time.

That makes me so happy.

Why are you surprised? You told me that you’ve gotten a lot of great hits from people like that.

I never know. I don’t believe in myself sometimes when the information is coming through because I do write stories. That’s what I used to do for a career. I wonder whether that is my imagination or a fictional character that’s coming to me. When the information comes through, I know it’s spirit because I experience a physical reaction when it happens. I loved him so much. It makes me so happy that it was him. He was my mate. I didn’t want him to leave.

That’s very heartwarming. My father is a flirt, number one. He was a flirt my whole life and his whole married life. He was very flirtatious. Even when he was close to his deathbed, he was flirting with the aide helping him. I love that you have a paternal feeling towards him but make no mistake. He’s finding you very appealing on a romantic level.

He was funny because of the advice that was coming through and how he commented on what I was wearing. That’s why I put it in there because that’s not something I would say about myself. I was like, “That’s a bit odd.”

He can be very fatherly. He can be wise and sagacious. I love that he did that for you. I chose 2 pictures of 2 different people. This was my challenge for you. I wasn’t you sending people I necessarily wanted to hear from, I was. I was sending you people that had idiosyncratic personalities. They were oddballs in a way. I figure if you could pick out some of their idiosyncrasies in the reading, then that would feel more verifiable to me. You passed with flying colors. You captured both of them well. 

Thank you. It was such an honor. I loved both of them. They were such characters. That’s exactly how it made me feel when they came through. They have very unique personalities. Is that correct? Are they completely opposite personalities? 

There were opposite personalities, but my father was almost opposite personalities from everyone.

I loved him. He was great.

There’s one thing that wasn’t included in the reading that I’m almost glad it wasn’t included because I feel like he’s in a better place where he is. What wasn’t included was the fact that my father and I had a pretty difficult relationship from as early as I could remember. I didn’t get the feeling that he liked me very much and he showed it. We had a difficult time together.

It’s only through mediumship since I made the movie because I’ve been working with so many mediums. He comes through every time. Every time my dad pops into the session, I don’t want to say we’ve had a complete reconciliation. It’s a rapprochement. We’re starting to build a relationship together that we never had through mediumship. That’s pretty cool. I’m very gratified.

I felt nothing but strong love. I really do hope it’s your dad knowing that because he showed and made me feel like you are the light of his life and that he was so proud of you. As the reading said, you never complained. You were such a good bloke. That’s how he was making me feel. I hope it was him because all I could feel was absolute love for you. It was all he was talking about. It was Steve. He is obsessed with you. Maybe it’s because he’s so excited that you are communicating with him yourself and you’re showing him love. He loves you so much. That’s all I could feel. It was all he talked about.

That feels really great. Thank you for that. I didn’t feel that from him while he was here, but I’ll take it. I’ll take in whatever form he gives it.

Do you complain? Was that the inaccurate part?

No. I was fairly easygoing. I go with the flow. I did eat all my vegetables like you said my father said. I did eat all my vegetables. There’s a lot of accuracy there and I do want to go over them all, but I feel like there are more interesting things to talk about with you. In your own story, when your boyfriend came through, he was blowing you away, I’m sure, with things that maybe you didn’t know or didn’t feel like were you. They couldn’t be you. You don’t have to get too personal with us, but what kinds of things maybe you could share that made you know, “This is my boyfriend and not me pretending to be my boyfriend.”

Feeling The Connection

It was the physical things that were occurring at first. It’s such a cliche thing to say, but blackouts in the house. The lights would switch on but the only light that would turn on was the lamp that he bought for me. It was things that you read about. I was like, “Is it really happening?” I’d question it and then something crazy would happen. I could go on for ages about that side.

Give me some of the really crazy things that happen. People eat that stuff up. Give me something you would see in a Poltergeist-type movie.

Two days after he passed away, I was walking past the door and the door opened and closed. That threw me by surprise because it’s a screen door. You have to pull it open and pull it close. It was next to his telescope. That was pretty cool.

The wind couldn’t do that.

Not where the door was because there were no windows. It was a very big home that we have here. It could have been. That’s one thing that I pushed to the side of my mind. The biggest one for me was we had a special place. It overlooked the ocean. It’s a cliff face. No one really knew that that was our spot. No one knew that that’s where we would meet every night and watch the moon and the stars. It was our place. I hadn’t been there for seven months. I couldn’t bring myself to go there.

I felt him. I felt his energy or his signature, you call it. He said, “Go there.” I was like, “I can’t do this.” I thought, “I’ll go before work. I’m in my work uniform. I can’t stay too long. If I become a mess, I’ll leave.” I got there. I got out of the car and fell onto the grass. I was looking out at the ocean. When he is near or spirit is near, I experience it in my heart. My heart begins to accelerate. I get quite a pang in my heart like I’m having a heart attack. It’s quite physical. I felt that.

Dead Fiancé: When he's near or Spirit’s near, I experience it in my heart. My heart begins to elevate. It accelerates.

In the corner of my eye, I could see something glittering. I looked up and a helium balloon had caught free from a birthday party or something. It was a giant big S. It was twirling above my head and then floated away. I’m going to cry because that was the most incredible fictional-like experience. That’s something you would see in a movie. There was a giant Big S with all this sequin-y ribbon hanging off it, catching the lights. When it was spinning, all these lights were spinning. I found that so incredible.

I felt I began to heal after that experience a little bit because he was making me feel like he was there. That’s how I knew it was him. Only he could find the only S balloon in town, pull it free from the party, and say, “You are going to go and see Emma Jane.” That’s his character. That’s what he used to do. He would show up with balloons and roses for me almost daily. That was one of the things I missed. He was like, “Here you go. Here’s your balloon.” It was amazing.

That’s so cool.

They kept compounding from there. I would know it’s him. We have a stronger relationship now than when he was here because whenever I feel like I want a rose, I’ll receive a rose at work. If I’m feeling down, I’ll have roses at the door from a friend. He’s still communicating with me.

That’s fantastic. Congratulations. That’s amazing.

I’m very blessed. I do believe anyone and everyone can have the same experience. A lot of people probably could have seen that balloon and probably will read this story and say, “What a coincidence.” There’s no such thing as coincidence. When things like that happen, that is something else. If you can open up your mind and have that perspective, it will happen to you as well.

Dead Fiancé: There's no such thing as coincidence when things like that happen. If you can just open up your mind and have that perspective, it will happen to you as well.

When he shows up, does he still give you a pain to let you know that it’s him and that he wants your attention? Is it as uncomfortable as it was the first time?

We can’t go into it because of the case, but where I feel the physical symptom, I’ve discovered that that’s how he died. That particular organ that aches when he’s around, it’s how he passed away. When I found out that information, the pain lessened. I thought he passed away in a different way, so for a really long time, I would feel that agony in that organ. I thought, “I’m sick.” When I read that information or heard that information that that’s the organ that killed him, the pain disappeared. I get a flutter. That’s how I know it’s him. It’s like a fluttering excited feeling there rather than pain.

I’m sorry. I am a filmmaker and I can’t help but think about how beautiful your story looks on the screen in my head.

It’s like a movie. I feel like I’ve been in a movie. It doesn’t feel real some days. Reality has become so boring to me because this side of things is so much fun and so cool. It feels like a movie some days.

How To Connect Better

I asked you this before. I’m not sure if I got the answer I wanted. You said to open up to the idea. I’m open. Most of the people here that are reading this are open but they’re not feeling like they’re getting a solid connection like you have. Is there anything that we can do to feel like we can connect better?

I really do believe in silence, peace, and writing. Your loved ones will be with you. Whenever you think of them, they’ll tune into you immediately. They’re there with you. Some people I truly believe have more of an ability than others. My mom and dad said I was talking to ghosts when I was a kid. Maybe it’s something that has now been amplified because of my experience. I believe that this experience was meant to happen to strengthen it.

Maybe others don’t have that ability and you want to connect with your loved one. Have a singular intent. Go to a dark room. Go somewhere where you’ll have no distractions. If anything, please put some headphones in because even a bird tweeting in the distance will distract you. It needs to be silent. Write. Ask for your loved one to come through. Write and believe that what’s coming out is through them. Do that every day. Believe it’s them. Take a deep breath and they’ll be able to talk to you.

Just write. Ask for your loved one to come through and believe that what's coming out is through them.

Everyone can do this. You have to be in that peaceful environment because they’re on a different frequency to us. They’re so far above us. We’re morons. We’re idiots running around on this planet. They are ethereal magic. They’re so above us. You need to bring yourself up to their level a little bit to be able to receive the messages. You can’t do it in a noisy lounge room. It’s not going to work.

If you’ve been able to have real conversations with your boyfriend in this ethereal place that’s so advanced, what have you learned? What pearls of wisdom can you share with us that are from your boyfriend that will make everybody who’s reading feel a little bit wiser? 

There’s no reason to be so busy. It has to be a very peaceful environment for it to occur to the deep level that it does. It is teaching me that we need to do that every single day. When you get home from work, you do not have to turn the TV on straight away. Go upstairs into your dark bedroom and meditate for twenty minutes. It changes your life. It has brought me so much peace. I believe if everyone can embrace a little bit more peace in their life, their lives will change.

If everyone can embrace a little bit more peace in their life, their lives will change.

I can’t even count the number of times people have recommended that I meditate. I have a hard time with meditation. It’s hard for me. I have a little bit of ADD. I have a hard time settling down. After this interview and talking to you, I have to double down on my efforts, don’t I?

There are so many different ways you can meditate. When people hear the word meditate, I was the same. My sister’s a yogi. She’s a gymnast. She’ll have incense, burning candles, and Buddha books. She will sit on the yoga mat and meditate. When people hear that word, that’s an image that can come to your mind. It’s something that I never really did that way.

Meditation can happen within five minutes at work. Put your headphones on, put your computer to sleep, and breathe for a moment. That’s meditation. Meditation doesn’t have to be what we see on TV, what we read about, or what we see on Gaia. You can do it in a minute. When you wake up in the morning, don’t get out of bed straight away. Lie there for a second. Take a deep breath, keep your eyes closed, and don’t think of anything. That’s meditation. You can do it anytime. You can do it for a couple of minutes a day. Your own frequency will rise beyond measure. Your life will change.

I’m doing it. I’m doubling down.

You’re doing it because you’re sitting there and you’re not thinking. You’re in the moment. That’s meditation.

I’m taking you in. I’m taking in the whole picture. I’m going to do that. Thank you. In terms of another pearl of wisdom, that has to do with exactly what I asked for. I want to know how I could connect better. Is there anything that your boyfriend shared with you from the other side that surprised you about where they are or where we are? What surprised you that the audience will be like, “Really?” Tell us something we don’t know.

Lessons From The Other Side

This was something I didn’t know but your audience probably does. It might not be something that’s going to wow them, but it wowed me. My entire life, I look at people as individuals. I look at every single person as unique and in their own little mold. No fingerprints are the same. Everyone’s different. He called heaven a bright light and he called it Big Brother. I was like, “Do you mean the TV show?” He was like, “No. Think of this ball of light as our big bro and all of us are little sparks of that light that’s been sent here to learn things and have an adventure.” It really changed the way that I perceived people and communicated with people because I realized we’re all the same thing.

 We’re all expressions of the same source.

That’s not really the perspective I had. I looked at every single person as a completely different character. I’ve become so much more warm and so much more loving towards people that maybe I wasn’t so much beforehand. If someone’s mean to me or someone’s rude to me, I’m not going to be rude back. I’m like, “You are part of me. You’re a reflection. I’m not going to hurt myself.” That was one thing that I found cool. It has changed the way I live my life. 

That is cool. I feel like that’s a tidbit I knew about, but I only really assimilated the information into my being this 2024. This year, I feel like I’m an emanation of everything that is.

He also has taught me to enjoy our emotions here. This is what I’m learning. I could be completely wrong, but you wanted something that could wow your audience and your community. Something that I’m starting to believe is spirit doesn’t look at us with eyes. They don’t look at us and see us in the shower, on the toilet, or anything like that because the only way that they can see is through our own eyes. They use us to see things and experience things.

Dead Fiancé: The only way the Spirit can see is actually through our own eyes. They use us to see things and experience things.

When I was depressed in bed and I didn’t get out of bed for seven months, he was not having a good time because he wanted to come through to me, and then when he did, all he was doing was lying in bed. I hate camping. He loves camping. He wanted to go camping, so I went camping so he could experience camping. Does that make sense?

It does make sense. It’s so awesome.

If I go camping, he gets to go camping. It made me live again because I want him to keep living, and the only way he can is if I do that. They don’t have eyes. They don’t have noses. They don’t have mouths. If they want to eat their favorite food, I’ll eat it because then he can taste it again. He can’t taste it in heaven, so I will eat it and then he can taste it.

I hope that in some ways at least, it’s better being there because that’s where we’re going to be spending most of our time, right?


What makes it better over there then?

We all love each other. We have no ego. We don’t have to worry about the silliest things. That’s who we are. That’s home. Our houses aren’t our home. That’s home over there. When we go there, we’re home. 

I want to ask you to corroborate something, and I’m going to ask if maybe your boyfriend can corroborate this. There’s no purpose for coitus on the other side. There’s no reason for it. There’s no reason for sex. There’s no reason for co-creation. Is there something that we could attain that kind of titillation, for lack of another word?

What is your question in layman’s terms?

In layman’s terms, is there sex there?

Through us.

Only through us?


Ethel’s late husband’s name is Harold. Now, they’re both late. What Harold said to Ethel is that there’s a blending. They call it a blending there where there’s a beautiful sharing of souls. It’s not like sex exactly but it gives that kind of joy.

It’s pure love. When you are making love for someone, you are in a moment of ecstasy that you can’t receive at any other time. We’re not thinking about anything. We’re experiencing the incredible pleasure that you cannot get from anything else except ice cream. Over there, that’s how they feel all the time. That’s how it feels. Being there is that feeling. It’s pure love constantly. There’s no need to have sex to get to that level because that’s how it feels. This is what I’m feeling. This is how I’ve been told that’s how it feels all the time. A giant orgasm 24/7 is how it feels over there. 

I love that explanation. I love that answer. Let’s go with that. I feel like I could look forward to it in a very big way. If I could have a nonstop orgasm for eternity, what more can anybody ask for?

They don’t need anything to get to that level. They’re already there is what I’m trying to say. We have to have that physical experience to get to that level.

It’s time to wrap up the interview. I can’t really top that last part. That’s the top. The climax is the climax.

Didn’t George Carlin write a piece about that? He said, “If we lived life backward, how amazing would that be?” He goes, “Imagine if we did everything backward and then we die as an orgasm.” Have you read that?

I remember that. It’s brilliant. We’re going to let the climax be the climax of the interview. There’s something poetic about that. People who are reading this are going to want to know how they could have a story from you or a loved one from you. You’re not professional yet, so there’s no information for you to give out. Maybe there’ll be a time when you’ll come back on the show and you’ll say, “I have hung out a shingle. I’m now a professional medium. Here’s my contact information.” Would you do that for us? 

Absolutely. I will. It’s up to you because I can never get enough practice. If people do want to send me a photo, I could continue this practicing journey and I can see what I can write for them. Send a photo. That’s all I need. It would help me develop my strengths as well.

You’re inviting my community to send you photographs. My community’s a pretty good size. Are you sure you want to do that?

Yeah. It would be an honor. I would love to practice as much as I can. I’ve learned eighteen minutes a day and you’ll get there.

These emails I give out to people who want to see the show go out to about 20,000 people. I want to make sure that you know how many people are in the community. Not everybody watches the show all the time. It’s theoretically possible for you to receive 20,000 requests.

Bring it on. It might take a while, but it would be a privilege to at least give it a shot. It would be wonderful to practice. 

We’re going to do that. We’re going to make this happen. Thank you so much for being on the show. I appreciate this.

Thank you for the privilege. Thank you for your movie. You are changing lives. Thank you 


For a free reading or story as Emma Jane calls them, send one photo of your departed to her email address. At this time, Emma Jane’s offer extends only to members of our Facebook community, which is at

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