Stephen interviews the Director of the SoulPhone Foundation, Dr. Mark Pitstick, who reports that researchers at the University of Arizona have proven with scientific certainty that "post-material persons," more commonly known as "spirits," share our world and can communicate with us.
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Dr. Mark Pitstick: "Can The Dead Send A Text?"
Life After Death Has Been Scientifically Proven By Researchers At The University Of Arizona
Introduction To Dr. Mark Pitstick
We have Mark Pitstick with us. Stephen, over to you.
Thank you, Gary. My favorite thing about doing this show is when people feel like they've had after-death contact, but are shy about discussing it. Those people contact me and say something like, “I've found you through a Facebook community. I saw your movie. I wanted to say thank you for creating a safe space to talk about this experience.” It's extremely rewarding for me when that happens. That's why I started the show and why I made the film.
What I want to say to you and everyone else tuning in is that I met a very lovely woman from Australia. She contacted me through the Facebook community. Her name is Emma. Emma's fiancé was killed. She was in such despair. She did not leave her bedroom for months she told me. At some point during the conversation, she said, “My fiancé visited me. That changed everything for me.” I asked her if she was interested in being our guest. I interviewed Emma and I appreciated it. She's my first community member interviewee. I'm going to be posting that soon, and I'm going to strongly recommend that everybody watch that because it's very interesting. She's a complete layman, but she's doing mediumship and she's doing it well. That's pretty cool.
Nice story.
It's inspiring.

I love the spontaneity of it. I'm looking forward to seeing that.
Dr. Mark Pitstick has 50 years of experience working with people in need at hospitals, pastoral counseling settings, mental health centers, and holistic healthcare practices. After working with many people in the process of dying, Dr. Pitstick was determined to find evidence-based answers about the nature of reality to learn how we can optimize our time here on Earth. Dr. Pitstick has written eight books on this topic, including Soul Proof, The Afterlife Evidence, and The Big Picture Of Life.
He has created ten transformational audio products and produced a documentary film entitled Soul Proof. He directs the Soul Phone Foundation, assists with research on the Soul Phone Project, and works closely with a wonderful nonprofit organization called Helping Parents Heal. Dr. Pitstick, welcome to the show. Let's chat.
Thank you very much. Let's do it.
You're a serious researcher. What are some of the challenges you've been confronted with, Mark Pitstick?
I've been called everything in grade school, lipstick and peppermint stick.
I fancy myself as a well-researched person in after-death communication, but I consider you to be a virtuoso.
Thank you for that.
Before the Soul Phone, if you and I met at a cocktail party and I asked you for the most compelling evidence you know in favor of an afterlife, what would you tell me?
Scientific Proof Of The Afterlife
There is so much, but the most compelling would be the scientific research by Dr. Gary Schwartz at the University of Arizona. As we'll discuss, it's beyond question now as a serious scientist. I know he has been a guest. We're talking about a former Harvard and Yale professor, now professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona. He can state that life after death has been scientifically proven. This is after doing research for 25 years on the topic of consciousness survival.
Life after death has been scientifically proven. It’s not just a belief anymore; it’s a reality backed by evidence.
I have not heard that before. I haven't heard anyone from the academic or medical community come out and say, “We've reached that milestone. We can say indisputably that this is scientifically validated. There is an afterlife. There's a realm.” Are you putting everything in the line right now and saying on this show, “Yes, this is happening?”
The Soul Phone Project
This isn't an official announcement. That'll be in early 2025 after he got another book he wants to create called The Soul Phone Experiments. We have some infrastructure to put in place first before we do a worldwide reveal, but we agreed in our strategic planning to do an incremental reveal. We're sharing that fact. It is a fact and a scientific proof of life after death with our newsletters, Soul Proof and Soul Phone. He is starting to do some interviews. This will be pioneering.
Can you give us a little bit of an overview? Squeeze it into a few paragraphs, everything you've done to date that furthers the collective knowledge of an afterlife realm or a spiritual realm?
Categories Of Evidence For The Afterlife
This is important as we discussed before talking about the Soul Phone Project because it's such good news that some people may dismiss it out of hand and say, “This is too good to be true. That's baloney.” There's such a wealth of evidence behind it. Dr. Gary Schwartz and I wrote the book Greater Reality Living. It categorizes the evidence in three ways based on who's doing the observing.
First of all, scientific evidence. That's mainly been done on evidential mediums and then on what we call post-material communication technology. That is a device that will measure the post-material person's presence. The term post material person, we used for those who have passed on. In different experiments, their physicality has been measured, their ability to make sound, their ability to be seen at least vaguely now, their ability to touch different sensors and to answer yes or no, all that scientific evidence, plus more. For example, we researched evidential mediums that have been conducted at six different universities and institutes.
Most people don't know about this research. All of that is discussed in article number one on my website SoulProof.com. The second category of evidence is the term clinical. This is data research by clinicians, university professors, physicians, psychologists, and scientists. That includes popular topics like near-death experiences and after-death communications, in which you mentioned terminal lucidity, deathbed visions, and others. There are 8 or 9 different subcategories there. Those are discussed in Article number 60 at SoulProof.com.
Finally, what is termed experiential evidence, which is a big word for based on firsthand experiences. This is the least objective and the least scientific, but the most subjectively meaningful. For example, Gary and I were talking before we started about some of his evidential out-of-body experiences. He said, “When you have them, that's it. Game over. You know there's something more going on in life.”
When you have an out-of-body experience, it’s game over. You know there’s something more beyond this life.
I like to cite the movie Ghost with Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze, where Whoopi Goldberg is on the other side of the door trying to convince Demi Moore to open it, saying, “Your ‘deceased boyfriend is here.” Patrick Swayze said, “Push a penny under the door.” He is levitating. Remember that scene? Demi goes from angry, frustrated, doubtful, and fearful to “This is real.” It’s that a-ha moment.
When people have these firsthand experiences, whether it's seeing someone having a very vivid dream, etc., then they know or at least know at a higher level that there is much more to life than meets the eye. That's the evidence in a nutshell. I discuss all that in my short book called The Afterlife Evidence.
When you reveal this, do you think it'll become an explosion or do you think that the media will be like, “This is nonsense?”
When you say, “When you reveal this,” I take it that you're speaking of life after death has been scientifically proven.
We will announce that in tandem with public demonstrations of the technology because there are lots of skeptics out there. There are a lot of people that are feeling hopeless. Let's face it, life on earth is not easy even on good days. It's been a rough ride here over the last decade or so, but I think every era has its own challenges. A lot of people are demoralized and have lost hope. When they see, however, the public demonstrations, which would be very strictly run, where the client or the sitter will have twenty questions, some of which should be answered yes and some no. We won't know the questions beforehand.
The person will then ask their loved one, “If you're there, please answer. Did we have a dog named Toby when you were a little kid?” If the answer is yes, they should touch the sensor. If the answer is no, they keep their hands in their lap. When they see that again and again, that's going to be that Demi Moore moment where she goes, “This is real,” then they'll be more open to the evidence that I mentioned.
It will be a big PR effort and everyone on this show, everyone in the audience, we ask your help because this will be a paradigm shift. We will need all hands on deck because those of you who follow shows like this and get it, your minds are open to it. It will be important to share it with other people and explain it to them. That's how it will spread.
You're describing the Soul Phone right now, is that right?
I was describing what we anticipate for early 2025 scientific announcements of life after death and public demonstrations of the best technology we have.
The technology you're talking about, are you referring to the soul switch?
Yes. The term Soul Phone is generic, an umbrella term, and it refers to four levels of devices if you want to go into that now.
Not yet, but I wanted to make sure I understand what we're talking about. Before I go there, I want to ask you one question. Once this information gets public, is there a concern for unintended consequences?
There sure is. Dr. Schwartz will be birthing this. He's very aware like Oppenheimer in the popular movie, who afterward regretted unleashing what he knew and what he saw in his mind because of the consequences. Dr. Schwartz wants to make sure that our ducks are in a row and that every conceivable precaution is put into place. Having done that though, we know that we can't control everybody. In other words, there would be no scalpels out there if we stopped because one maniac might kill somebody with the scalpel, but look how many people are healed in surgery. We want to take all the possible precautions before sharing it at a wider level.
In that regard, that's part of the reason for this incremental reveal and doing things slowly in stages. We want to make sure security is in place to safeguard the technology. In the beginning, the first usable device will be via a service and not a take-home device. That'll probably be the Soul Keyboard. It will be protected so that nefarious factions can't use it to the detriment of humankind.
You're already girding yourself against some terrorism.
Unfortunately, we have to consider that and keep that in mind. We take that responsibility seriously.
I'm certainly glad that the big minds on your end have the foresight to know how to do this very safely, securely, and all that.
I think that's one reason it has come along a little more slowly than we thought. First of all, it's very difficult. We're communicating with people and wherever you want to call it, the other side, the dimension, the next realm. It's not an easy thing. If it were, somebody would've developed it by now. Secondly, that prudent safeguards are in place before it is out there.
I have to admit it. When I first heard about the Soul Phone, I thought it sounded ridiculous. I did read up on it and I understood. It wasn't until I interviewed Gary Schwarz for a summit that I said, “Not only is this sound preposterous, but the people that you're contacting are like Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and David Bohm, and I believe even Michael Jackson is on the list.” At first, it sounds sensational and it sounds preposterous. Let me tell you what Gary said. You probably heard him say this. Gary said, “It's ridiculous. It's impossible. It's preposterous to me too but it's happening.”
Another distinction is we didn't seek them out. They came to us through multiple mediums independently. When you do years and years of research as we've done where the baseline and the control is the device is running in an empty room and you see pretty much flatline, then when you ask one of these people, you mentioned what we call A-team members to go in and put their hands in, you see the results. When you see that after hundreds of experiments, there it is. You can't explain away that data.
It's a complicated technology, but I've heard you speak to it before, and you could put it in fairly simple layman's terms for us so we understand how this works. It's very sophisticated. I probably going to want to paraphrase it back after you describe it, but describe it for me with how the Soul Phone works and what it does.
As I started to say, there are four anticipated levels of devices. We need to have a name like cell phone, but sometimes we regret using Soul Phone because people expect, “When am I going to be able to pick it up and talk?”
The Soul Switch And Its Impact
Let's start with the Soul Switch. Let's keep it simple for now.
The Soul Switch, we have a demo version of now. We will be going through about six months of beta testing, all kinds of levels of testing, mind-numbing, boring, standardization, testing and collecting baseline data, and all that, then testing with different groups of people. That will take us to about the end of 2024 to early 2025. The Switch was never envisioned as something that people would use either as a service or a take-home device, because it's a “yes” or “no.” However, if people bring in twenty questions, we have no idea what those questions were, and they receive 100% accurate answers or say 95%. That's very impressive. The randomness or chance is 50/50. That in itself will be very meaningful.
We've had multiple people over the years send us emails and say, “I was ready to leave this planet. I was ready to choose suicide, but when I heard about the Soul Phone Project, it gave me hope. I thought I'd stick around and see how this turns out.” Even the Switch will create a lot of hope. The Switch is a part of the first more widely available device, which is a Soul Keyboard. As a lot of you have a keyboard in front of you right now, although our engineers tell us we may only need eight switches, and then when used in different combinations, we'll provide all the letters, numbers, and symbols we need to text and type. That will be the first service. We'll have Soul Keyboard centers secure because all this can be done virtually.
That will provide them with the greatest amount of quality and quantity of input from these post-material persons. Side note, people say, “What about evidential mediums? We have some of the best in the country on our team and they work with us.” That's how Dr. Schwartz started in the late 1990s researching mediums. He wrote about it in his book, The Afterlife Experiments, but he found that even the best are only about 80% accurate. They can have bad days, and sometimes they tap into the monkey mind instead of the mind of the post-material person.
We listen to their input, but we take it with a grain of salt because we know it could be wrong. With the Soul Keyboard, we will have that quality and quantity. We drool over the prospect of before we go to bed, giving them ten questions. These are A-team members, these luminaries, some of whom you named. They were geniuses while on Earth and our information is that they continue to work on that in their next phase of life. They want to help us heal our world.
We give them ten questions, we go to bed, we get up in the morning, and hear all this information because they have plenty of time. They can use the energy we are led to understand and probably 50 or more ways simultaneously. It's not deterring from what they have to do then we have all that information to move toward the third device, which is Soul Audio, which will be like talking on a phone, and then Soul Video like what we're doing now, video conferencing.
The spirits don't have a voice box. How could they use the phone?
Firstly, threw me off the word spirits
Should I call them post-material persons? It's a bit of a mouthful.
PMPs, please. I grew up with Casper, the Friendly Ghost was a cartoon on TV.
My favorite.
It was great. They didn't like Casper. We want to be very careful to use words that will lead people to understand more about this. Trust and speak intelligently. Spirit hearkens to millennia ago when people thought that God breathed life into the mud and that became a person. It indicates that these people are gauzy, ephemeral, and substantial, when in fact, we know based on experiments that they have physicality. They can be as physical as we, depending on the situation. Post-Material Persons or PMPs. We have all acronyms out there. We can add one more. By using PMPs, your question again, please.
Now I have a new question. PMPs, you're saying they can choose to be physical?
Yes. This topic first came to mind when I was working with near-death experiencers. They say, “When I had this near-death experience, when I was in the light and when I was clinically dead, I saw my grandma and she looked like when I was a kid.” Does she look like this old grandma for eternity? The answer is no. Her energy manifested in that form to reassure and comfort you so you'd recognize her, but that's a facet of who she is, just like your face right now is a facet of your underlying energy essence.
How The Soul Phone Works
What I'd like to do is I want to regurgitate something that Gary Schwartz said to me when I was trying to understand how the Soul Switch worked and how that could possibly lead to a Soul Phone. If you could correct me when I'm going off base, would you do that for me? Here's what I gathered. The way these experiments have worked is the researchers at the University of Arizona have recruited very high-end and high-profile mediums, the best of their kind. Suzanne Giesemann and Susanne Wilson were guests here. They are on the team. The PMP comes to the medium and says, “I want to want to work with Gary.” The medium invites the PMP, the Post-Material Person into a detection chamber. Do I get that right so far?
Let's back up a little more. What happened was a fascinating story. It will be a movie. It will be all told in the book and the future. After Gary did several years of experiments, we're talking double, triple, blinded, controlled. John Edward was one of the people, with him and some others. George Anderson, another top medium. He became colleagues with some of these top mediums. He figured that he was pretty much done with that because he wanted to evaluate, “Is there an afterlife?” He thought, “If there are indeed, he knew some were fakes and some were mediocre mediums. That always makes him smile.
He knew that some were rockstars, I say 80% or 85% hit rates. They became colleagues afterward and independently, they started saying to them, “Gary, Albert Einstein keeps coming to me.” He keeps saying, “You're supposed to build technology to allow a greater quality and quantity of communication with them.” Gary was like, “Okay.” This is in the early 2000s now. That's when he started and went through different experiments, as I mentioned.
For example, when we talk about, and I'll get to your question about the Soul Switch, we say, “They put their hand and touch the sensor.” Some people say, “PMPs, people who have died still have hands.” They do. They have everything they had before and much more. It turns out the only thing they lose is this earthly body, which is such a fraction of what we are. With the Switch, we always have baseline control. There's the device. It's running. Nobody is in the room. We'll let run in the past days for hours, now for more minutes, and we'll see what is the control and what's the baseline.
Your energy transcends your physical body. We are so much more than just our earthly existence.
One of the research mediums will invite them in. Dr. Schwartz and I have developed such a relationship with these A-team members over the years. They will come upon our request. We'll say, “We're meeting tomorrow at 8:00 AM. Hope you can all be there,” and then we start to experiment. Gary has been called the Helen Keller of afterlife research. He can't see or hear anything. I can't either, except for occasional clairaudience abilities.
We're sitting there talking to them, although we can't see anything and we're assuming they're there, but then when we see the data, we know they're there because we see the difference between baseline. We ask them to put their hand or fists for a better surface area into the sensor. We've used different types of sensors that will then pick up their energy and pick up that change in electrical conductance with signals for yes.
First, you have to ascertain the identification of the PMP. Is that correct?
Personal Identification Test For PMPs
First of all, we wanted to see if they could understand directions. Do they still know English? Do they still know what a hand and a box and all that are? What you're referring to, the personal identification test came later, partly because we wanted to identify for sure who we were working with. The medium could tell us, and we could see what the results were. For example, we would invite David Bohm, who is a colleague of Einstein's, a brilliant quantum physicist at Princeton. If we invite him in, then we see the results, but we wanted to know. Our goal is to have a fingerprint for each person like humans have fingerprints. We hope to have some identifying marks for different people because we're asked often, “If I have a session with one of my loved ones, how do I know it's really my mom? How do I know it's not an imposter?” It's a very important question.
We developed then the personal identification test. This is all described in TheSoulPhone.org where we had a series of ten questions and we mixed and matched them. We were working at the time with Harry Houdini, Michael Jackson, David Bohm, and Nikola Tesla. For some of the questions like we asked Harry Houdini and I remember their parents had odd names and so on, “Did you write a book by this name?” The one that gave me goosebumps was, “Is this when you died?” They're like, “How many people have you ever asked? Is this when they die? They can answer that one now.” We found a 100% accuracy when they answered yes, where the questions were applicable to them, and for the ones that weren't were true for someone else.
I want to go backward a little bit because when I spoke to Gary Schwartz about this, in terms of identifying who the PMP is, they would use very expensive camera equipment that captures photons and cosmic rays. That equipment, when it does detect an energy form in a clean chamber based on the architecture of that energy is unique to that PMP and distinct from other PMPs.
I wish but no. What you're referring to is called a silicon photomultiplier. It's about a $60,000 piece of equipment. It's a box inside a box, inside a box, about the size of a large microwave. The most expensive component of it is a photon detector. It operates in such high energy that it has to be chilled to something like minus 35 degrees Celsius. This light sensor can detect a single photon of light. The experiments were baseline, nobody was in the room, and this detector showed to the microscope and the computer screen, what you expect, pure darkness.
The medium would invite one of the A-team members to put their hand in, enter in, or project their light in. We're not sure yet of the mechanism and how they did that. When they would, a light beam would form a photon, and then the medium would ask, “Please move from right to left. Please move from left to right. Please leave the chamber. Please enter the chamber.” That happened. However, that was not considered a possibility for a widely usable device because all along, our goal is to make this technology as available and affordable as a cell phone.
We say, “If you can afford a cell phone, you should be able to afford a Soul Phone,” plus it's so large. Before I joined them many years ago, they didn't have a fingerprint or identifiable photon image for each person. That'd be wonderful and hopefully, someday we will have.
This is where I get a little bit confused. You invite the PMP into the chamber, and then you're going to ask questions that elicit a yes or no answer. It's a binary switch. At some point, that's going to evolve into a keyboard, in which you don't need 26 switches, you need something less. How does the PMP distinguish the letter N from the letter W?
We're away from it, but initial discussions are that we may have something as simple as a chart on the wall where it's like Morse code. An N would be pushing this key and this key and that sequence. That's how we could have 6 or 8 switches to account for how many keys are on a keyboard. It would be a combination of those and they would look at the chart. It would be hunt and peck. As I say, they have the time, the energy, and the interest. Let me give you a personal story. This happened in early 2018. I was staying in Tucson for a length of time helping with the research, and we were always focused on the technology.
Dr. Schwartz and I had written the book, Greater Reality Living. We are getting ready to send it off to a publisher. They rewarded me by allowing me to ask questions of some of the A-team members. This is historic because there had been no personal questions asked because there's such a focus on technology.
I knew about this about two weeks beforehand. Imagine for you, what would you ask? The group that evening was Edison, Einstein, Michael, Tesla, and I think Harry. My first question was, “How can we achieve world peace?” Albert purportedly answered, and we say, purportedly, because this is through a medium. He said, “That's a tough one. We noticed things were no better when we were on Earth. The best we can say is to identify your soul's greatest missions. Share that and do the best you can.”
Frankly, I was a little disappointed. I'm like, “You're Albert Einstein for God's sake, plus you've been in the next phase of a less obstructive view of reality for 40 years or 60 years.” I was expecting a little more, but I moved on to the second question. I said, “We're getting ready to publish this book, Greater Reality Living, is there anything we've missed?” Rhonda, who is the evidential medium at that point said, “You can't assume that they know about the book, even though you and Gary have been writing it amidst the research. They've been focused on the research.”
That points to the growing awareness that just because you pass on doesn't mean you're omniscient. You move into the next phase, but you pretty much take your consciousness with you. She said, “Would you give them an overview of the book?” I did this using what's called the LIVES formula, which we may talk about later. I outlined the five keys to knowing and showing this great news, including that no one dies. This would be a good time to review it.
Just because you pass on doesn’t mean you become omniscient. We take our consciousness with us into the next phase of existence.
We can go into it now if you like.
The Lives Formula
It's timely and the story will be more meaningful. I said, “The L in LIVES is for Learn the evidence for the great news.” The great news is listed in article number 19 at SoulProof.com, a list of 10 points about the nature of reality. That is how life is set up. That is the big picture of life. Many of us have been taught things about life that are wrong, or they're stupid. They're fear-based. We grew up trusting that.
Now based on ancient wisdom and also contemporary findings, we know much more about how life is set up. The first one is no one dies. Secondly, you can see your loved ones again when you pass on, but you also can communicate with them. Things like we each are one and part of the source. We're not separate from God. We're integral parts of that phenomenon. We each come here with special purposes and reasons for being here. Life is not as random, chaotic, and cruel as it appears.
You can see your loved ones again, communicate with them, and know that no one truly dies. The afterlife is real.
That's to learn the evidence for the great news. The I stands for Internalized its great news to empower and inspire your life. In other words, there are various levels of knowing. You could say, “I read in the book that there's life after death.” If that's all you got, if five of your loved ones pass on in one month, which happens to people, it's probably not going to prepare you for it. If you deeply know it and you've internalized it, that's when you have the peace that passes all understanding. That's when you can handle anything. The Bible and other spiritual books talk about, having a house built on granite, not on shifting sand.
The V stands for Vitalize yourself holistically, because to learn this information, but then live it, and to have enough time and energy to handle all life's demands, plus brighten the corner where you are, share your soul's greatest gifts, it helps if you're vital and health. That's why it's important to me.
E stands for Enjoy the greatest life you have envisioned. Kids often are in touch with this, but when we get older, we lose track of it. The you means the person's real self, the totality of their being, not just what their human self wants. Finally, the S is Serve others and make the world a better place.
When I finished sharing with the A-team members what was in our book, Greater Reality Living the LIVES formula, Einstein shouted to the medium, “That's it. You answered your first question.” I was like, “What?” I realized my first question was, “How can we achieve world peace?” He said, “That's it. What you put together is able to reach that goal.” David Bohm chipped in and said, “Don't hesitate. Run. Don't walk. Don't be put off by critics and detractors. We had them on our time. You'll have them too. Let that run off your back like water off a duck's back.”
That was what we considered a potential endorsement for the A-team for this greater reality vision. That's how big this is. The more people get it and live accordingly, and as more and more people do that, that's when we shift the tide on our planet.
This list sounds fairly nuanced and it came from mediumship.
We talked about this in our book. I talked about Article 19, for several of the items that are based on scientific research. All the other items are based on clinical research. It's all based on evidence. These are evidence-based statements about what we understand about the nature of reality.
There are different levels of confidence in their results. There are some things I read in the articles that are 1 in 99 billion, it could be wrong or something like that.
True scientist always leaves a room. Dr. Schwartz will say 99.9% certainty about the scientific proof, and then very high degrees of certainty for the ones based on clinical evidence.
Clinical evidence would be like NDE research.
The list of eight or so of those out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, the life between life's work by Michael Newton, terminal lucidity, deathbed visions, etc. There is so much and that's part of what we want to do. It’s to share this because a lot of people aren't aware of it.
It's ironic that Einstein was giving you advice on how to usher in world peace when isn't he the guy who split the atom?
You saw the movie. He regrets it, but we've learned lessons from them. They were trying to help. It's the same thing with the scalpel that can cut or heal. That's one reason we've been pacing ourselves with this. We hope that enough people will become responsible and mature enough to handle it correctly.
Einstein was working in the zeitgeist of that era. That's what happened, split the atom. This is interesting stuff. I thought I was going to only hear about the Soul Phone, but we're talking about something bigger than the Soul Phone. We're talking about a way of understanding the meaning of life.
The Soul Phone will demonstrate what we're talking about. It'll also give people that hope. It'll awaken enough people to create global change. It's all interwoven. That's why this next year is going to be such an exciting one in a number of ways. We probably could have pushed things and been doing these announcements and demonstrations by the end of 2024, but we thought, “Let's let the political events run their course before we step in because would there be any news in the media for that coverage?”
Connecting With Loved Ones
I'm about to hand over the show to Gary to moderate the Q&A. I wanted to ask one question that's a little bit off-topic, but it's an important one because almost everybody in this community is very eager to make contact now. I've heard you speak about how to best detect signs in your environment. You have such a great warehouse of knowledge behind you. Give us some good tips on how we could like be more receptive to the signs around us that our loved ones are nearby.
While this is discussed in Article 9 at SoulProof.com, it turns out I've heard the saying, “As in heaven, so on Earth,” and vice versa. In other words, life in the next realm is not dissimilar as we might think. It's like if you want to meet with a friend on Earth, what would you do? Tell them you'd like to meet, what day, what time, and what place. Do that with your loved ones who have changed worlds, which by the way is a Native American term for passed on. They changed worlds. That's what happened.
Say, “Dad, can we meet tomorrow? How about this time?” You may not be able to see him if you don't have meeting mystic abilities or Clair abilities, but set up a chair and have a cup of tea there also. Sit and talk, then over time, you'll be able to start distinguishing. You'll notice a little answer pop in sometimes in your fourth chakra in your heart center. Sometimes in your mind over the third eye, and you'll detect that. Those are some practical things you can do and there are more listed.
The most powerful way, and I'm going to be doing this with 1,000 parents at the Helping Parents Heal Conference coming up in Phoenix, is what we call my facilitated afterlife contact technique. I trained in 1998 with Brian Weiss to do past life regressions. I trained with Raymond Moody to do psycho mania and mirror gazing work. I've been doing clinical hypnosis since 1980. I put all this together because I learned that the brain wonderful as it is, detects much less than 1% of reality.
When I learned that, it was like, “That explains a lot of things.” It's as though most of us are walking around looking through a tiny pinhole and saying, “Why don't things make sense? Is there a god? How could God do that?” If we could enlarge that to say a silver dollar size, we would see more of the big picture and say, “I understand.” That's what those phrases speak to, seeing the light, being saved, awakening, and so on.
If you perceive even a little more of reality, you see that it's all good. It's all God. I woke years ago at that stage where I just opened one eye and saw what time is it. It was time to get up, but I realized that something very profound had been going around and around in my brain. I thought, “I don't want to lose that.” I closed my eyes and relaxed for a moment and I caught it and then I wrote it down right away. It was this, “This earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever.” When we know that, that's when we're free and safe.
This is more pressing. This has to do with what you're talking about. The veil has been there for a purpose. We're not supposed to have this immediate contact or recognition that our loved ones are right nearby. Why would this be permissible? Why had the rules relaxed suddenly? Why now?
The veil is an interesting word because as I say, we examine often over a cup of tea all sorts of words that don't serve anymore. Is there a veil? If you traveled in outer space far enough, would you see a sign, “You are now approaching the veil?” We joke about things like this but the veil is in our minds. Jesus said things like, “You see with eyes that really see and hear with ears that really hear.” I remember reading that and going, “What does that mean?” Now I understand.
I read in college the book Doors Of Perception by Aldous Huxley. That term Doors of Perception was based on a William Blake poem. He said, “When the doors of perception are cleansed, humans will see life as it truly is, infinite.” That's the reason for meditation-centering practices, which I discussed in Article 77, anything that quiets the brain because the brain detects less than 1% of reality, but it thinks it knows it all. That's what creates fear, when in fact life is totally safe. That's how we got into that. The more we know that, then the more we can live without fear, with peace, we can fulfill our greatest missions and know it's all good. Enjoy this and know that the next phase of life is like walking from one door to another.
I do want to ask you before I pass the baton. If people want to find out more about your work, you mentioned the two websites, there's SoulPhone.com and there's Soul Proof.
Final Thoughts And Resources
SoulProof.com is where I have 121 free articles, free newsletters, and free radio shows. I've hosted two different radio shows and I interviewed people like Wayne Dyer, Raymond Moody, Brian Weiss, Anita Moore, Johnny, and others, and talked about all these sorts of things. They're wonderful shows. Michael Newton before he passed on. There are lots of free resources there. We have them all to learn more about the Soul Phone Project.
All your books are available on Amazon.
They are also on SoulProof.com. Everything is very affordable. For example, the audio products I've created because I realized I couldn't do one-on-one past life regressions with people or other techniques, pre-birth planning, for example. I created these so people can use them at home. I charge a whopping $15 for these audios. This is a technique that would cost you $300 if you do it to an individual. However, I'm trying to reach a worldwide audience. I want this available to as many people as possible.
If you truly can't afford the books or the audio products, email me. My email address is on the site and we'll send you free digital copies. That's how much I want everybody to have these resources so you can awaken, remember who you are, live the greatest life you've envisioned, and let's turn this thing around. Enjoy heaven on Earth.
Thank you so much for the work you're doing.
My pleasure. Thank you as well.