Meet Susanne J. Wilson, a visionary medium and intuitive educator whose journey began in childhood with the extraordinary ability to perceive spirit lights and auras. Mentored by her grandfather, she honed her skills in communicating with spirits, including the deceased, pets, guides, and angels. Despite a successful career in university administration and corporate human resources, her life took a profound turn in 2007 when a near-death experience reshaped her priorities. This pivotal moment led her to embrace her calling as a spiritual medium and teacher.
Join Stephen Berkley as he delves into Susanne's remarkable story of navigating between the corporate world and the realm of spirituality, offering insights into her unique perspective on life and the afterlife.
Susanne fields questions from the audience here.
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She's Been A Medium Since Early Childhood, But She Did Not Always Want It, With Guest: Susanne Wilson
Gary, have you heard of the term Brainspotting?
I’ve heard the term, but I don't know exactly what it entails. I understand it has something to do with being able to connect with the other side.
It's a good guess. Brainspotting belongs in the same category as induced after-death communication therapy, as accelerated resolution therapy and as repair and reattachment therapy. These therapies are all derivative of the trauma-based therapy, EMDR. They each use a bilateral stimulation to achieve the intended result.
I met a researcher courtesy of somebody in this community. I met a researcher who regularly uses Brainspotting to reconnect to her late husband. Her name is Dr. Lenore Matthew. I'm dropping her name here because I suspect that Dr. Matthew is going to be an important voice in this field. Her story is very moving and inspiring, and I encourage everyone here to visit Dr. Matthew's YouTube video called Evidence of the Afterlife with Dr. Lenore Matthew. We will have a Brainspotting instructor talk to us in an upcoming episode, but that video will do for now.
Now, onto the show. How do I know our guest? When we finally finished making the film Life With Ghosts, my producer and I decided to send the film to people in the field who were already working in this area and would want to endorse a science-backed documentary about after-death communication.

Susanne Wilson was a well-known medium who had been rigorously tested in double-blind and triple-blind studies and worked closely with Dr. Gary Schwartz at the University of Arizona on developing the Soul Phone. Susanne was one of the first people we reached out to and our own Gary Langley had a reading with Susanne Wilson a while back. Now Susanne is here. This could be awkward for you, Gary. Could you give us your opinion on that reading? How'd it go?
Do you know the emoji head that explodes? I'm stealing this from my friend Cheryl Page.
Yes, I know that emoji and I know Cheryl Page is referenced.
That's the kind of reading I had. It was mind-blowing. I had some very evidential things come through.
When I asked you about the reading, I thought what you said to me was, “Susanne Wilson was the best reading I’ve ever had.”
It was. Can I share a little story? She won't even remember this. I’ll keep it brief. The reading I set up was on my 64th birthday. That morning of my 64th birthday, I was having coffee and asked my phone to play When I'm Sixty-Four by the Beatles, an old favorite.
It’s one of my favorites, too.
During the reading at 2:00 that afternoon, I had not said anything about it being my birthday. I had not said anything about listening to that song. Susanne says, “I'm hearing that Beatles song. ‘Will you still need me? Will you still feed me when I'm 64?’” I started to tell her it was my birthday. She stopped me. She said, “I have a little woman coming through bringing that song. I asked her if she was 64, and she said, ‘No. You.” Meaning me. She said, “I think it's your mother.” I said, “I think so, too.” She said, “5’2”, blue eyes?” Dead on. That was my mother, five foot two with blue eyes. I'm 6’3”. You're not pulling that out of your hat. The whole reading was like that. Mind-blowing.
That's a good example of evidential, right, Gary?
We've made Susanne wait long enough. I'm going to do my intro, and then we'll go into the interview. Is everybody ready? This is very exciting. By the way, Susanne, I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. Susanne Wilson holds a Master's degree from Notre Dame University, from which she graduated summa cum laude and has certifications from Stanford University. She was a Fortune 500 corporate executive until a 2007 near-death experience shifted her focus in a big way. Now, Susanne is a globally recognized researcher and educator on a wide range of spiritual topics. At one time, Susanne's waiting list for an individual session topped over 1,000 names. Susanne, welcome to the show. Let's chat.
I would love to chat and thank you for the invite, Stephen, and thank you for reminding me about that Beatles song, Gary, because I started hearing that song in my head again. I'm like, “I wonder why that song's starting to be an earworm for me.” It's because we're meeting again. I'm looking forward to this session. I took it as one of those signs that tell you thumbs up, green light. It's going to be a good discussion.
Different From Others
I love that auspicious start. Fantastic. Susanne, here's my first question. At what age did you first realize you were different from the other kids?
I hadn't realized it yet, Stephen, but the experiences started at about age five, and it was with Astral travel, and that was me trying to get back into the body in the morning after being out on the astral plane. For those who don't know, you have an astral or spiritual body that can leave your physical body, especially when you're sleeping and exploring the astral plane. I was doing that without knowing that I was doing that.
A few years later, my mom would say, “Why do you always say this?” She would yell, “Susie, it's time to get up,” I would say, “Mom, I'm still coasting,” because once I got back in my body, it took me a while to be able to open my eyes. She finally asked me one day what was coasting, and I told her about the flying around and things I would see. Shortly after that, I started seeing colors and lights around people, which was very curious. At least age five.
When you saw colors and lights, you didn't know other people were not seeing colors and lights, right?
There was no comparison with anybody else until I went to Head Start. Head Start was a program for low-income kids before their kindergarten started. It was a way to make sure that we got a meal, which I was getting meals, but it was appreciated and that we would also get a head start going to school. It’s because a lot of times with lower income families, the parents are busy working or they have too much going on and they don't learn the basic ABCs and things at home. I went to the Head Start class and I started telling the kids their colors and telling the teachers who were standing behind them in the spirit world. It did not go over well.
When you say it didn't go over well, give a little bit more about that. What happened?
I got teased, made fun of and called Crazy Susie. I can remember many times, which are very ingrained in my memory, being pushed down on an asphalt playground and skidding my knees and elbows, and nobody wants to play with me. It was weird, to say the very least.
The kids got physical with you. I didn't know that.
Yeah, that was very hard. I had to learn how to keep my mouth shut, but I was awfully excited at some of the things that I could see. Every once in a while, another kid would see what I saw or would know something was true, but they were smarter than me in terms of getting along and socializing, and they didn't say much about it.
How long were you in the closet?
I kept it secret until the near-death experience in 2007, which was hard to do, but I wanted to be taken seriously in my career, and I don't have a real good poker face. If somebody would say, “I saw you at a seminar-workshop about psychic abilities,” or something like that, I would change the subject or cover it up. I would go out of town and get my trainings. I sat in the development circle, and I kept it very secret from a couple of friends who knew about my abilities, but I was working on them. In 2007, the near-death experience was what made me realize this is my life. It can't be a hobby, and it changed my priorities.

I do want to talk about the NDE, but I want to ask you one more question about your experience as a child. Even though you weren't coming out of the closet and telling everyone you were doing this, you were working on your mediumship or your psychic abilities before you came out, but were you also enjoying the spirit world, spirit friends? Were you having interactions growing up with people nobody else could see?
Growing up was the best part. I will tell you also, my intuitive abilities saved me one time from sexual abuse. When I was 9 or 10 years old, there was a man who was a distant relative in the family, and he was trying to get me alone with him off to where nobody else could see. I got this glimpse of him trying to put his hand inside my clothing before it even happened. Later on, we would find out that he was an abuser, but I got away. I started to realize very young. I’ve only told that to a couple of people and never in an interview before, but I had to think about it because you asked me about how my childhood would've been different, and I’ve been thinking it saved me a few times.
Also, the abilities would give me information that I didn't necessarily want to have, like seeing a teacher and knowing they had cancer because I would see it like something dark and stormy. I call this dark and stormy around their body, and I could tell what it was, and there's no way that a small child could go up and make that announcement. I would tell somebody and that would be my grandfather. I would say it was a double-edged sword to have abilities as a child. In one way, you get a heads up and in another way, it makes you feel responsible.

I would also think it must have felt so isolating.
Yes. I was fortunate to have my granddad help me out. Another thing I remember was that a neighbor kid was into talking about astral travel. I had a book by somebody, and it's in the ‘70s, and the book talked about how to astral travel. I don't remember if it was Robert Monroe. It probably was. I don't know who else was writing about it then. We sat down outside and read it together. We arranged to meet each other in the backyard during astral travel when we slept that night. I did the astral travel and I went in the backyard and she wasn't there. The next day, she came over and I said, “You weren't there last night. I was there and I waited for you for a long time.”
She said, “I forgot.” They never tried it again. I found some other kids in grade school and I asked them if they wanted to contact some of these spirit people or help me with them. All these kids wanted to do was play Bloody Mary and go in the bathroom. I bet some people know this little game. Go in the bathroom and say, “Bloody Mary,” and look in the mirror and scare the crap out of yourself and all the other kids. That's not what it's about, either. When you say it was isolating and lonely, yeah, it was isolating and lonely, but I always had in my mind that there's going to be a time where I'm going to use this. I have to be patient.
Don’t Let One Person Be Your Expert
Before we go further into the interview, as your refrain, you will say repeatedly, “Don't let one person be your expert.” Could you speak to that a little bit? I gave a little bit of a sermon about this, but I didn't have you to back me up. I want you to back me up right now.
I’ve had people say to me, “Susanne, you sound like maybe you're not comfortable in your own competencies. When you say that education, spirituality, and what you know about the world comes from your experience and the experiences of others, sample all of that, pay attention to all of that. Shouldn't they pay attention to their own experiences and what you're teaching?” I'm like, “No.”
I'm not collecting people. I think teachers who issue your reading other people's books or are very protective of you and want you to do everything with them are collecting you, not empowering you. To put that into a positive spin, everybody on Earth is doing the idea of coming to Earth to have experiences and to learn and then integrate those experiences and use them to create wisdom.
Why not learn from other people about their outlook on life, how they monitor their thoughts, words, and actions, what their theory of everything or compassion is? Synthesize all of that information plus your own experiences and create something unique and beautiful for yourself as your guide to living the best life as the best human being you can be. You can say, “I follow this teacher or that teacher.” I hope folks say that on social media. I'm a follower on social media because to be a follower and make that person walking the Earth now your guru, you're walking the Earth now, too. You are your own guru.
We can create something unique and beautiful for our guide to living the best life by synthesizing all of the information we get from others with our own experience.
Near-Death Experience
Thank you so much, Susanne. You mentioned in 2007, you had a near death experience. You were working towards your PhD when you went somewhere to get tested for allergies. One of the allergens administered to you to test your tolerance sent you into anaphylaxis, essentially killing you. You described your near-death experience explicitly on the JeffMara Podcast, which can be found on YouTube, which I recommend for those interested in hearing those details. To sum it up, it was not a pleasant experience and left you with the uncanny ability to see things you did not necessarily want to see.
It's a mixed experience. I'm not going to say that it was wholly pleasant or unpleasant. It was life-changing but that's because I chose how I would synthesize and incorporate that experience into my life. I made some mistakes during that process. I stepped out of the body, and my throat honked like a goose's. I remember taking my last breath. When my heart slowed down and stopped, it was like a train slowing down and coming to a final stop. The train usually jerks back a little bit. When I went back, I popped out of the body. What happened then out of the body was amazing. It was beautiful. I saw beautiful colors and music and felt the arms of my mentor, the closest person in my life, my granddad, who had passed much earlier.
I wanted to go to where those colors were emanating, where that music was being made. I didn't get the chance to do that. The aftermath of it was not a bed of roses by any means. I didn't come back instantly changed. I came back confused. As you said, all those abilities that I had been honing and practicing in terms of clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance, all of the clairs, all of it that I naturally had, and I had been working on tuning in and doing it better, they were on full force now. I think touching the other side in such a direct and visceral manner put me in so much contact and removed all barriers that I was living a haunted life.
It wasn't that I was seeing things that scared me so much as those darn spirit people can scare the crap out of you and they don't mean to, but they were following me all the time. I watched this movie again not too long ago with Ricky Gervais, where he has a near-death experience in surgery and they don't tell him. Now he's open to the spirit world and then it's like they're running around and they're following him and he's hiding. I basically lived that. It wasn't as funny. It wasn't funny at all.
It was getting in the way of everything. I went back to one of the teachers I had been studying with to get connected better and do a better job at all of this, and said, “What do I do now?” He started working with me. Finally, one day, he said, “Did you ever stop and ask them what do they want?” What a novel idea. I can ask them what they want rather than put up your barriers. Send them away. All that stuff that I was trying to do, no, I started asking them what they wanted. Most of them wanted to be seen. I started getting empowered with it. I would drink heavily for months to shut it all down.
Let me stop you there, Susanne. You were Haley Joel Osment from The Sixth Sense. You were seeing dead people.
That is another movie that I like to watch once in a while. Some of them were physically interactive. What I came to learn, Stephen, is they're using our energy. I'm highly charged anyway because I’ve been this very charged-up big aura person since childhood, and they can see this light. We've all had that in some incarnation in our lives. Maybe you have it now. Maybe you had it last time or next time. They're seeing all of that. They used it to move things like I would have doors open and slam. Not poltergeist per se, but the spirit people could get real physical. They could throw things at me to get my attention. Nothing that would hurt me, but I would be very drained afterwards.
At least, at first, this was unwanted attention you were getting. I'm going to say this for the men in the audience. This audience is 90% women. I think everyone here could probably say they understand what it feels like to get unwanted attention. Men don't know that. They know it, but they're not cognizant of it. Women are having a completely different experience on the planet because of that fact. Would you agree with that, Susanne?
One hundred percent. I heard someone say once that men are afraid that women will laugh at them and women are afraid that men will kill them.
First of all, I empathize with all women for that reason, in addition to many others. That's sad. Here, you are now getting unwanted attention from beings that don't have a physical address. They don't have a form. You're being somewhat brave when talking about it right now, but that must've been terrifying.
The memories don't fade because for the first time in my life, it wasn't even terror. It was a complete realization that I have control over nothing. If that's what it took to get me to understand that we don't control anything but our own actions on the Earth plane, I’ll tell you, it worked.
We don't control anything but our own actions.
Trying To Repress It
Susanne, you said you what you wanted to repress it. I think you said a moment ago you started drinking. Did that work?
Yes, it worked fine, but it wasn't healthy at all. The minute I got home from my job, I would hit it all weekend. I didn't feel well because I hadn't been a big drinker before, but I didn't know what else to do. I was thinking life as I know it is over. Why did I go to all those classes and development groups when it was here? Now, what do I do with it? What empowered me was instantly saying, “I see you. What do you want? What can I do for you?” I then say no if there was a request that I couldn't handle. I also realized, “This is going to be good because, at some point, I could probably teach people how to tune in or tune out, and I could probably help people with their boundaries.”
As you said, I was in the PhD program and worked a lot of hours every week. I was in a weekend PhD program in Human Resources Development, which is human capital, managing high performance teams strategy. I thought, “You want to teach someday. Maybe you'll teach this.” I look back on that now and I'm like, “All of these experiences were so important.” I think that's true for a lot of us. The things we think were awful or the things that we think were a waste of time all have this cumulative effect in our life is of making us who we are.
Do you think your near-death experience was a necessary step to where you are now? Could people, in general, develop that ability?
I probably liked money, power and things a little too much and needed a wake-up call. That's my theory. Eventually, teaching adjunct faculty in a university because I had come from academe, too. I thought, “I'm setting myself up for nice retirement and a second home and all of that.” Something needed to get my attention and say, “You're not using a unique gift in the way that it's intended.” I was being a bit of a late bloomer. 2007 is not that long ago when you consider that I’ve been around for a while, and I was a psychic kid. I'm not trying to make myself feel better. I feel like I had to be a late bloomer on these abilities because all my life experiences have made me a very well-rounded person.
When the spirit world gives me an image in my mind, I can place it better. I have the language for it. I'm well-traveled. I’ve read quite a bit. I’ve talked to a lot of people. I’ve had to be in positions in boardrooms and that sort of thing. It's been very helpful. I’ve also been humbled and have been the idiot who didn't know what they were doing and didn't have a sense of self-worth. I think all of those experiences are very important. I think a lot of people reading can relate to some of this.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say, Susanne, that this all happened at the exact right time.
You could have a point there. I have in my mind light bloomer all of the time, and I think I hang on to that because people recognize it. The point is aren't we all blooming in place wherever we are. No matter what choice I had made, if I had chosen to stay with that role in that company, finish the PhD program, retired and done my professor thing, I probably still would've found a way to spread the information I want to share with people. I would've probably impacted a lot fewer people. Now, I can be on mission.
That's fantastic news for the rest of us. We said earlier about your refrain, and now it's my refrain, too. Don't let one person be your expert. Read, experience, explore.
You create wisdom through your own experiences or hearing about the experiences of others and seeing what's po possible and then synthesizing all of that and integrating it. That's where wisdom comes from. If you stay in a bubble and only look at one way of being, you're missing out on some growth.
The Afterlife
I found the quote because I wrote it down after I heard you speak at Helping Parents Heal. You said, “Don't let one person be your expert. Explore, read, and experience for yourself.” I love that quote. It sounds good, doesn't it? When you give talks about the afterlife, where is that information coming from?
My higher self that's always in touch with the other side, my soul self. My guides are always around me. They'll help shape words. I have a group of guides that are with me. I don't channel the guides so much where I could say, “Let's go to Unity Church next Tuesday at 5:00,” and they'll show up. I don't know that I can do that. That part hasn't been my calling. For some people it is their calling, but they guide me and have helped me be at the right time and place with the right words.
I think we don't give ourselves enough credit for having the wisdom inside of us. It doesn't necessarily have to come from outside of us. In most cases, it comes from our higher selves, our soul selves, and that part of us that is in both worlds. I don't think we're all here, Stephen. I think a big part of us is in the dimension from which we came and to which we will return our true home.
We don't give ourselves enough credit for having the wisdom inside of us. It doesn't always have to come from outside of us. In most cases, it comes from our higher selves, that part of us that is in both worlds.
I could imagine that. When I think of the spirit world and I think of my higher self, I think of like a puppeteer, but that sounds crass. A better word for puppeteer, but someone's above me who's looking out for me and somewhat giving me messages.
It's you.
It's the bigger me.
You become a great storyteller and a great director. Your heart continues to be open and has been open and you're synthesizing a lot of information for people so that they don't have to go and do it themselves, but they can take it in. You're another source. Another gift.
Thank you, Susanne. I'm writing that down, too. My favorite thing to ask on this program is for tips to help me and everyone in my community learn how we could connect better.
Let me ask you a question. Have you ever had a dream visit from a loved one in spirit yourself?
I’ve had one and I can't wait for the next one.
Was it short or long?
It was relatively short but the most palpable thing I’ve ever experienced.
We did not set this up, I promise you, but one of the first things that you can ask for is contact through the dream state. I remember earlier, guys, when I talked about being out on the astral plane, no specific talent is required to do that. Our loved ones in spirit can make a connection with us. Listen to Stephen, it's going to be surprisingly short and amazingly realistic because it is realistic.
If your dream visit goes on and on, if it could have a director and credits, no offense, Stephen and it's like a movie or everything's weird or it's not their personality and they're acting weird, that's a dream or maybe that's something you ate the night before. The dream visit itself is short and sweet. It's their personality. Typically, their lips will not move because it's mind to mind, heart to heart.
You can invite that dream visit. One of the ways to do that is to pick one night a week. Mine is Sunday. I have an open mic night for dream visits on Sunday. I drop in on Sunday afternoon. Anybody that wants to in my family, my people, my pets. Think of them. Put a little sticky note on your mirror that's got their name. Every time you brush your teeth or drink water, you say, “Remember, I'm inviting you into my dream tonight.” Leave a bowl of water by your bed. Water is a great spiritual conductor. It helps with the energy. It doesn't have to be a fancy bowl or a certain crystal or anything like that. Maybe have their picture or an object that they own if you have it. If you don't, it's fine.
When you go to sleep, pull up a memory that makes you happy that you experienced with that loved one and fall asleep playing that memory. That's the last thing as you're falling asleep. It's okay if your mind goes to the grocery list or tomorrow's to-do is for a minute. Bring it back. Go to sleep with that memory. When you first wake up in the morning, close your eyes again. Ask yourself what happened last night. It comes fast. If it's not there, try it again the next week and the next week after you've done it 4 or 5 weeks. You can give it a rest or go to another person. For a lot of people, this pays off. What can happen is they come through a different way.
You've summoned them. You've invited them, and people say, “I don't want to summon the spirits. I don't want to bug them.” You're not bugging them. We are their heaven, too. Another way is to meet in meditation. You choose a place and you build it in your mind. It's really helpful if it's a place that you both actually went to before. See it, hear it, feel it, smell it, and set an appointment. Close your eyes, get there a few minutes before the appointment, and wait.
For a lot of people, they're like, “I imagined them, but I don't know if it was real.” Same thing with the dream visit. At first, they'll come in quick. Your eyes may be closed or you may be looking at a fixed point in the room where you're meeting them and something flashes in your mind and they're there. Please let that quick connection be okay because you can build upon it.
I actually wrote a book with lots of other tips in it several years ago. People are still buying it. It's called Soul Smart: What the Dead Teaches Us About Spirit Communication. I have a lot of this stuff for free on my YouTube channel. My granddad, a preacher, used to say, “We live so far beneath our privileges as children of a loving God.” It is a privilege you have if you want and you're willing to accept it and you're open to making your own direct connection.
That's fantastic news because I’ve been waiting here, hoping that would happen again, and you're giving me the steps. Thank you so much. I'm so glad I asked that question.
It'll work.
You made a video, I think, called The ABCs of ADC. Are there other things in that video, like little tips you can give us?
Yes. There's actually quite a lot in there. It is the ABCs. It's a step by step. One of the things I have found is that a lot of folks want some grounding in a foundation in after-death communications. Believe it or not, Stephen, this surprised me. In serving community members that I’ve had over the years, a lot of them are scared when they first come. They're scared something's going to startle them. It's like, “I want to contact my husband on the other side, but I'm afraid he'll scare me and I'm living alone,” or something like that. This stuff happens. Maybe they've been told that demons could trick them. Somebody with a different belief system has told them, “You shouldn't be messing with the dead. Let them rest in peace. They're resting.”
They have more fun than we do a lot of the time. I'm not kidding you, either. Stay here on Earth until it's your right time to go, but they have a good time and are not resting in peace. A lot of beginners will say, “I want this and I don't want this. I want the direct contact, but I'm scared.” When you look at the different kinds of ADCs, what I did in that presentation on that deck is build a little bit on the amazing groundwork that Bill and Judy Guggenheim laid out in their book, Hello From Heaven. Seminal book. I’ve given away cases of that book over the years. Please read that book if you haven't already. I'm pretty sure that Gary featured it in Book Club a while back.
Taking their work and how they categorized After Death Communications or ADCs added on that for the 2020s and the New Ways. We have unilateral ADCs and bilateral ADCs. The unilateral is both sides are reaching out at the same time. That can work for a lot of people. That meeting and meditation requesting and being open to the dream visit, for example, recording electronic voice phenomena.
There's also unilateral, where the spirit initiates the communication. They've been doing a lot more in this day and age of using electronics unilaterally. You don't know this is going to happen. All of a sudden, your screensaver turns itself on and it's a picture of your loved ones in spirit and you're like, “How did that happen?” All of a sudden, Alexa's saying, play When I'm Sixty-Four by the Beatles.” You're like, “Who did that?” They're doing a lot more things like that.
They're very technologically savvy, aren't they?
So much. I get excited because I can feel my guides being supercharged about this, about how hard and happily and diligently the folks on the other side, the souls, are working to use every single thing that they can. If you know all the different ways that they can communicate, you won't miss it when it happens. That's why I made that deck and that recording.
The Earth’s Future
Now, we're approaching close to the end of the hour. I'm going to turn the show over to Gary in a moment. First, I want to find out what we can expect for Earth's future.
I’ve been on this a lot starting with did the spirit people know about COVID? The answer that I got was yes because they can see it being built in the quantum field. They can see what's coming here a little bit before it happens. Whether people believe in this or not, the fact is that we are co-creating what happens in our world, whether it's bliss and harmony or it's war and destruction. They can see what we're doing.
There are opposing forces, as always, that are creating in the quantum field, but the main thing I’ve been hearing is the Earth is going through a cycle. Humankind is going through a cycle. We've been here before. We'll be here again. We're not going away. The Earth is not ending. Humanity is not ending, but humanity, as we know what now is changing.
Earth is going through a cycle, humankind is going through a cycle. This is not our first turn on this stage, and we'll be here again. We're not going away. The Earth is not ending and humanity is not ending, but humanity, as we know it, is changing.
Those of us who are here right now, apparently, we all signed up for this. I’ve tested this hypothesis any way that I can think of. Did some of us get sent here against our will? It always turns out from reliable sources, from the spirit world, and interdimensional that, yeah, you can't be here right now doing this big cycle shift unless you sign up for it.
It's important that each individual monitors his or her thoughts, words and actions for compassion for self and compassion for others so that what we're creating in the quantum field isn't a fear-based product. If we let our imaginations run away with us in the worst-case scenario, we actually give power to the creation of what we don't want. The universe doesn't hear the negatives; it hears war, inflation, poverty and all those sorts of things, so we have to do our best to change that.
However, it is a rough ride. We're already in a rough ride. I'm not going to be Pollyanna here and say, “It's a magical year and things are changing and shifting and it's going to be wonderful and paradise on Earth.” Yes, that is coming, but that is a cycle and it's going to take some time. We all have our parts to do.
Start with yourself, compassion and your thoughts, words, and actions for yourself. It gets easier for other people to have that. You want to be more intuitive. Be kind. Kindness plugs you into the universal consciousness, the good matrix. It makes you more intuitive, helps you make better choices, helps you stay away from an event that is happening during this cycle that you don't want to be a part of. Yeah, that does sound silly. That can save the world, but it actually can.
Susanne, here's the last question before I turn it over to Gary for a Q&A. Where can people find you? What's your website?
CarefreeMedium.com. My handle on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok is Carefree Medium. I know I’ve seen the hashtag Intuition Educator because I do readings and’ve taken time away from doing individual sessions. I do two types. One is for evidential, mediumship, like what Gary described, and the other is for Ask Your Spirit Guides. I am doing those again. What's fun right now is doing the small groups, which gets some people to put a toe in into getting a reading. There are only seven people. They all get messages. I want to do more writing, and I’ve been doing a bit of traveling. Here's a fun thing I do. I want you guys to try this. The next time you go to a new place, I want you to put your hands on the wall.
Get yourself grounded and centered first. Put your hands on the walls of this place. Let’s say it's an old church or beautiful building, or wherever you go and tune into the energy there. I’ve done Egypt, Turkey, Istanbul, London, Spain, and Portugal. I love doing the place memory exercises everywhere. You tune into history. You might find a past life. There's so much going on. I have a group that meets every few weeks, too, where we have an hour of study like this and we have an hour of Q&A about anything you want to ask. We're always changing. We're always morphing with your needs.
Susanne, thank you so much for being here. That was very informative and enlightening, and I appreciate you. Thank you so much.
It's my pleasure.